What You’ll Get In Our Spanish Course:
- Be able to introduce yourself, ask basics questions, and hold a simple conversation in Spanish
- Get the vocabulary for typical travel situations
- Learn about key Hispanic holidays, festivals, and cultural festivities
- First exposure to different accents and slang from around the Spanish countries
- Earn a completion certificate for each module (currently 13 modules total)
Beginner (A1.1) Course Details:
- Native, expert awesome teachers
- 12 x 90 minute live classes
- 12 hours of self-paced digital lessons on your personal Spanish dashboard
- Explanatory videos by our amazing teachers
- Story-driven lessons through our original Spanish sitcom
- Audio exercises to sharpen your comprehension
- Level-appropriate texts to boost your vocabulary
- Over 100 unique quizzes and exercises to track your progress
- Downloadable Course E-Book
How many students are in a group class?
Our group lesson sizes have a minimum of 3 or more students. They typically are a group size of 4 but can range up to 8.
In the event that a group is required to begin with less than 3 students, we may offer the students of said group to be switched to semi-private lesssons (at the same rate) however the hours of lessons would be reduced from 1h 30mins to 1h lessons
Group | Lesson day, date of first lesson, lesson timing (Enquire now to join in) |
A | CRASH COURSE, Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting 18 March , Evenings (7:30 – 9:00 pm) [OPEN SLOTS] |
B | Mondays, starting March 24, Afternoons (12:00 – 1:30 pm) |
C | Mondays, starting March 24, Evenings (7:30 – 9:00 pm) |
D | Tuesdays, starting March 25, Afternoons (12:00 – 1:30 pm) |
E | |
F | Wednesdays, starting March 26, Afternoons (12.00 – 1:30 pm) |
G | Wednesdays, starting March 26, Evenings (7:30 – 9:00 pm) |
H | Thursdays, starting March 27, Evenings (8:00 – 9:30 pm) |
I | Fridays, starting March 28, Evenings (7:30 – 9:00 pm) |
J | Saturdays, starting March 29, Mornings (10:30 am – 12:00 pm) |
K | Saturdays, starting March 29 Afternoons (3:00 – 4:30 pm) |
L | Mondays, starting April 7, Mornings (10:30 – 12:00 pm) |
M | Mondays, starting April 7, Evenings (7:30 – 9:00 pm) |
N | Saturday, starting April 5, Mornings (10.30 – 12:00 pm) |
Choose your timing, start anytime: BOOK YOUR FIRST LESSON
Learn at your own pace with COMUNICA DIGITAL (A1.1 and ‘Travel Spanish’)
12 sessions of 1.5 hours each (total of 18 real-time lesson hours), with unlimited access to the supplementary e-learning platform.
This course follows a course ‘guidebook’ that is available for purchase on this page. There is also a supplementary e-leaning platform including quizzes, authentic audios, explanatory videos, our original sitcom, and more to help you see results quickly.

Start Learning Spanish!
18 hours of real-time lessons; 12 hours of digital activities.
Speak, speak, speak with natives!
Discover new worlds of culture and beauty.
Have fun learning fast!
How You Will Learn Spanish:

What You'll Learn In Our Spanish Course:
Kilómetro 0
At your orientation to the Comunica method, you’ll meet our expert, native teachers and receive the digital and physical materials you’ll need for your Spanish journey – the roadmap for your language-learning success!
Puerta de Alcalá
The greetings in spanish
Asking for and giving personal information
The fundamentals of spelling
What are the personal pronouns?
A few verbs in their singular form: LLAMARSE, APELLIDARSE, TENER, SER
The numbers from 0-10
Introducing yourself in greater depth
The verb TRABAJAR (to work), and revision of SER (to be)
Concepts of gender and number
More nationalities and professions
The numbers 11-100
The months
How to talk about Birthdays
"A Situation at the Immigration Counter"
Contenidos comunicativos del taller: 1)Saludar y despedirse 2)Presentación personal básica (nombre y apellido, nº de teléfono) 3) Deletrear y pronunciación de las letras 4)Preguntar, pedir aclaración o repetición... 5)Dar y pedir información personal 6)Dar y pedir información personal: profesión, lugar de trabajo, correo electrónico, número de teléfono, etc. (ampliar la presentación personal)Museo Del Prado
What are your hobbies? What do you like?
Identifying the present tense: how to use the verb SER
The 3 Conjugations: AR, ER, IR
The remaining personal pronouns
The days of the week
Small words to convey key information
How to describe a day at the office
What do we know how to do? And how do we do it?
Present tense revision
Vocabulary to distinguish the parts of the day
Terms to express graduation: BIEN, BASTANTE BIEN, REGULAR, MAL
The languages of the world
Temporal marks: AHORA, HOY, MAÑANA
"Planning out your Weekend"
Contenidos comunicativos del taller: 1) Hablar de sus aficiones e intereses 2) Describir cómo es un día en sus vacaciones 3) Valorar qué sabemos hacer y cómo lo hacemosPalacio Real
Food glorious food
How to describe your favorite dishes
Common ingredients, quantities, and containers
Navigating a Hispanic supermarket
Verbs: LLEVARSE, TENER, and SER (again)
Prepositions: CON and DE
Placing an order at a restaurant or bar
Giving, and asking about, food-and-beverage specifics
More useful verbs: QUERER, LLEVAR, and TENER
Revision of ingredients and quantities
Surfing the menu
The common adjectives when discussing food
"Moving your way from Course to Course"
Contenidos comunicativos del taller: 1) La comida y describir sus platos preferidos 2) Describir un plato 3) Pedir en restaurantes y bares 4) Pedir y dar información sobre la comidaPuerta Del Sol
This class will be a comprehensive revision of the grammatical, lexical, and communication aspects of the entire Madrid unit. Teachers will focus on consolidating previous lessons and addressing any issues, rather than introducing new material.
"A Complete Presentation"
Contenidos comunicativos del taller: 1)Saludar y despedirse 2)Presentación personal básica (nombre y apellido, nº de teléfono) 3)Preguntas de la clase 4)Dar y pedir información personal 5)Conocer los objetos de la clase y cómo preguntar por ellos 6)Dar y pedir información personal: profesión, lugar de trabajo, correo electrónico, número de teléfono, etc. (ampliar la presentación personal) 7)Hablar de sus aficiones e intereses 8)Describir cómo es un día en su trabajo/escuela y justificar 9)Valorar qué sabemos hacer y cómo lo hacemos 10)La comida y describir sus platos preferidosMobile Learning
Your time is precious and we want to use it wisely – particularly your time in the classroom. That’s why we’ve developed the following digital components to be completed on your own time. You’ll use them to form a knowledge base, at your own pace, so you can come to your face-to-face sessions ready to start speaking!
Meet the characters of ‘Buena Onda’, our delightfully-quirky original Spanish World telenovela. See for yourself how narrative-driven lessons, with multi language subtitles, make language learning intuitive and entertaining!
Aprende will cover the basics of grammar – a crucial aspect of any language, and one which is well-suited to self-study. Start to learn it at home, then come to class with your questions prepared!
Why Spanish?
How far can I go with Comunica?
There are a total of 6 levels, following the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
- A1 & A2, beginner
- B1 & B2, intermediate
- C1 & C1, advanced
Each level is then divided into sub-levels, which we call modules. With Comunica, each module is named after a Hispanic city. You will start your journey at MADRID (A1.1) and finish it in BUENOS AIRES (C2.7).
What are the payment terms?
For greater savings students are invited to pay for their complete module, though monthly installments are also accepted. Get in touch to ask about promotions and discounts.
How long does it take to complete a module/level?
It is entirely up to you! With Comunica, you can decide which learning pace is best for you. We propose a standard pace of 11 weeks per module but you have complete flexibility to decide if you want to learn faster or slower!
How much digital work and how much on-site learning is there?
Each lesson has self-paced digital components & quizzes and onsite classes &workshops. Both elements are completely intertwined and complement each other. Approximately 35% of your total learning time will be done digitally and 65% onsite.
What if I miss a class?
Do not worry. With Comunica, you will have multiple options and times available to register for every class. Once you are ready and want to attend your next class, you can look for available slots and register for the one most convenient to you!
Will I really learn Spanish?
Absolutely. This is our promise to you: you will learn, and moreover, you will enjoy your learning!
Do I get a certificate acknowledging my Spanish level?
Yes. You will receive a Spanish World certificate at the end of each module. In addition, after finishing a complete level, you’ll be prepared to take the Cervantes Institute exam to receive a non-expiring official certification of your Spanish competence.
What do our students say?
Olivia Ing
I have studied many languages and this is the first time I am part of a teaching method so sophisticated, diverse and engaging as Comunica…Online content allows you to practice all the skills of the language as many times as you want. I am a screen writer myself and the sitcom they have produced “Buena Onda” is of the highest quality.
Khairul Jaffar
I feel that I am overall having the best experience at Spanish World and learning so much. There is nothing I don´t like about it, the teachers, the classmates, the app, the flexibility, the quizzes and all the practice content, the videos, everything fits perfectly. I can also see my progression over the space of 2 months and I am thankful for the customer service I get from everyone.
Audrey Chew
It is a very refreshing way to study a language and I am very motivated to continue doing it, as I am definitely learning a lot. My only concern is the side of the font for the handbook or cuaderno de viaje, but the content in it, as well as the digital platform, is excellent.
Apple Cheung
My Spanish has improved rapidly after taking classes at Spanish World for just over a year. It gave me confidence to speak Spanish with native speakers!