Spanish-speaking countries are among the most popular destinations in the world for tourists. In fact, in 2019 Spain was the second most visited country in the world, while Mexico also made it into the top 10.
Although basic English is usually spoken in many Spanish speaking countries, you can find that some taxi drivers or at restaurants, they don’t get a word of english.
Spanish Lessons in the Tech Era 4 or 5 years ago, Pearson sold its stake in the Financial Times and the Economist (two of its flagships) to invest in education technology. I thought to myself back then that the revolution in the education sector was coming, after music, consumer goods, even human relationships, that had […]
Saludo oficial. Visita de Estado a Nueva Zelanda, Junio 2009 Desde el auge del enfoque comunicativo en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras LE, el componente cultural ha cobrado gran importancia como parte de la competencia comunicativa. Así pues, los docentes de LE se han convertido en embajadores de estas dos realidades indisociables: lengua y cultura. […]
Vinikunka aka Montaña de Siete Colores aka Rainbow Mountain, Peru (@funkmastacrump) Where do the names of the colors in Spanish come from? The topic of the colors has generated a lot of papers among anthropological and linguistic researchers, specially about the connection between language and perception: do we perceive better the tonal differences between those […]
10 Most Common Mistakes in Spanish Writing June 13, 2019 Posted by: admin Category: General , 1 Comment (Scroll ? for Spanish) Those of us who share a love for languages, either Spanish or any other, we know that there are always difficulties when we are learning a new one. One of those discuss is […]