40 Essential Spanish Travel Phrases
Traveling the world can be such an amazing experience and it comes so easy these days! If we say Mexico, Spain, Colombia Costa Rica, Peru and you’re learning Spanish maybe one of the reasons is because one of your dreams is to travel to one of these countries or even moving there!
Spanish-speaking countries are among the most popular destinations in the world for tourists. In fact, in 2019 Spain was the second most visited country in the world, while Mexico also made it into the top 10.
Although basic English is usually spoken in many Spanish speaking countries, you can find that some taxi drivers or at restaurants, they don’t get a word of english. Your trip will be so much more fun and meaningful if you can communicate with locals!
So before you pack your bags and jump on a plane, why not learn a few really useful phrases in Spanish to help you make the most of your trip?

1. Buenos días (BWAY-nos DEE-ahs) — Good morning
2. Buenas tardes (BWAY-nahs TAR-days) — Good afternoon
3. Buenas noches (BWAY-nahs NOH-chayss) — Good evening
4. Hola (OH-lah) — Hi
5. ¿Cómo estás? (COH-moh es-TAHS) — How are you?
6. Bien, gracias (bee-AYN, GRAH-cee-ahs) — Good, thank you.
7. Por favor (por fah-VOHR) — Please
8. Gracias (GRAH-cee-ahs) — Thank you
9. ¿Hablas inglés? (Ab-la in-GLAYS) – Do you speak english?
10. Yo (no) entiendo – (Yo (no) en-tee-EN-doh) – I (don’t) understand
Basic Spanish Travel Vocabulary

11. Yo quiero, yo no quiero (yoh kee-AYR-oh, yoh noh kee-AYR-oh) — I want, I don’t want
12. Me gustaría (may goo-stah-REE-ah) — I would like (more polite)
13. ¿Dónde está…? (DOHN-des-TAH…?) — Where is…?
14. Cuánto cuesta? (CWAHN-toh CWAYS-tah?) — How much does it cost?
15. ¿Qué hora es? (kay OR-ah ess?) — What time is it?
16. ¿Tiene…? (tee-AYN-ay…?) — Do you have…?
17. Yo tengo, yo no tengo (yoh TAYN-goh, yoh noh TAYN-goh) — I have, I don’t have
18. ¿Entiende?(ayn-tee-AYN-day?) — Do you understand?
Asking for Directions in Spanish

19. A la derecha (a lah day-RAY-chah) — To the right
20. A la izquierda (ah lah eez-kee-AYR-dah) — To the left
21. En la esquina (a lah ays-KEE-nah) — At the corner
22. Un tren (oon trayn) — A train
23. La calle (lah CAH-yay…) — The street…
24. Un banco (oon BAHN-coh) — A bank
25. El baño (el BAN-yoh) — The bathroom
26. Dinero (dee-NAYR-oh) — Money
27. ¿Dónde hay una casa de cambio?(DOHN-day eye OON-ah CAH-sah day CAHM-bee-oh?) — Where is the exchange?
28. ¿Dónde puedo encontrar un taxi? (DON-day pway-doh en-kon-trar oon taxi?) – Where can I get a taxi?
29. ¿Dónde hay un restaurante? (DOHN-day eye oon rays-toe-RAHN-tay?) — Where is a restaurant?
At restaurants and shops

30. Una mesa (oona MAY-sah) — A table
31. Una mesa para dos tres, cuatro (oona MAY-sah PAH-rah dohss, trays, CWAH-troh) — A table for two, three, four
32. Un menú (oon may-NOO) — A menu
33. Una bebida (oona bay-BEE-dah) — A drink
34. Agua (AH-gwah) — Water
35. Vino tinto, vino blanco (VEE-noh TEEN-toh, VEE-noh BLAHN-coh) — Red wine, white wine
36. Cerveza (sayr-VAY-sah) — Beer
37. Un café (oon cah-FAY) — Coffee
38. Soy vegetariano/a (soy ve-he-tah-ree-ah-noh/nah) – I’m a vegetarian
39. La cuenta, por favor (la KWEN-ta por fa-vor)– The bill, please.
40. ¿Cuánto cuesta? (KWAN-to KWES-ta?) – How much is it?
Now, it’s time to practice!