Spanish Language Resources

Learn Spanish with Netflix

Choose series and movies in original version (Spanish-speaking) and in addition to entertaining yourself, you will be learning and improving your level of Spanish. It is normal that at first you do not understand everything, but the visual context will help you. You will become familiar with the plot and the characters.  Check out Joana’s list of worthy Spanish-language shows!

The Best Free Online Resources to Learn Spanish Now

It can be hard to digest the fast-moving pace of events lately!  Thankfully there are so many online treasures in the public domain to keep our minds active.  Now, with these links, you can take advantage of the time you spend in your home by absorbing new worlds of knowledge and beauty, at no cost.

Spanish the Musical Way

To truly understand the language you need to know the culture: gastronomy, architecture, visuals arts and, of course, the music!  See this Bilingual Blogpost for a selection of learner-friendly songs grouped by different regions in the Hispanic World.

10 Writing Mistakes you Might be Making in Spanish

Those of us who share a love for languages, either Spanish or any other, we know that there are always difficulties when we are learning a new one. One of those discuss is related to written expression, which is what we are going to treat this time in our blog.

14 Tips to Improve Your Oral Expression in Spanish

…#9. Hazlo en voz alta. Desde ahora lee y estudia en voz alta. Escúchate a ti mismo leyendo un libro, un texto o revisando tus notas de la clase de español en alto. Escuchar tu propia voz te ayudará en tu pronunciación y a detectar errores.



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